
 This is a page to collect and store the haiku I've written. 

Snap of elastic

Rustle in the stall next door

Once I sat alone

    written in the early aughts when I first started driving a truck.

Approaching the store

Cool clear air fills my nostrils

I forgot my mask

   written in late 2020, in the time of COVID

River before dawn

Trees are black shapes on the shore

Topaz water shines

   written after a night at anchor on the Cape Fear River

Sleeeping sandhill cranes

Moon on empty retention pond

Thank you, quiet birds

   written in the lot of a Walmart Distribution Center, Brooksville, FL

Trump scrawled on the wall

Truckstop bathroom graffiti

Now I can add "lost."

Squirrel crept slowly

Sniffs campfire baked acorn bread

Kids watch from camper

   a childhood memory

Half senile racist

White guy acccused by women

Same as the last one

Didn't mean to start this 

Right Wing Left Wing on same bird

No meaningful change

   several above written during a family Haiku frenzy

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