Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Keep On Truckin'

Well, I hit the wall in Bay City trying to find work to fill in the Boat Refit. It was spooky the way the economy in Michigan $%^&-canned the job search. I've had to drop the Vagabond Hero stuff. I'm back in the working world for a while. I've spent the last couple weeks at CDL Truck Driving School. It is company sponsored so as long as I drive for a year, I won't owe anything for the school.

I passed the State Exam this morning. There is no stopping me now I suppose. I should be out on the road with a trainer next week.

The silver lining is that now I'll have some time and some good cash flow to refit In A Mist. She'll be a bit better equipped and I'll definitely have more cash in the kitty when I go. I'll post some of my adventures here. Thanks for all the moral support you've given me. Have Fun.

Return to Leelanau, without having been.

I had a ridiculously beautiful morning on the Leelanau Peninsula last week that was actually beautiful and completely ridiculous. I’m curren...